WOBPINC was founded with the purpose of assisting the need of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in Latin America to expand in the North American market, either by registering a new company in the State of Florida (USA) and operating as an extension or branch. than the one you already have established in your country of origin or through a representation.
Today Wobpinc has had to diversify services to meet market needs and keep up with the technology that all businesses need today to achieve business success.
We offer a range of corporate solutions, which allows us to assist companies anywhere in the world.
NOTE: We are not lawyers.

We are your corporate solution!

Get your Company in the United States without having to travel and regardless of your immigration status, running your business from home at a very low cost and obtaining a Business Address
We are your office in Miami! With the support of our personalized services you will be able to grow your business, receive business advice and much more …
You will find all the support to Register your Company in the USA with us and develop your business idea or expand the one
that you already have fully established
in your country of origin

We are your Representation in Miami - Florida
Our team can help you with everything related to obtaining a Commercial and / or Virtual Address in the USA, which will allow you to Register your Company, request licenses, open bank accounts, send all your correspondence, etc.

W O B P I N C, I n c.
Somos especialistas en la representación de pequeñas y medianas empresas ubicadas en toda Latinoamérica, que deseen tener una presencia en Miami, Florida – USA.
We are specialists in representing small and medium-sized companies located throughout Latin America, who wish to have a presence in Miami, Florida – USA.
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